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Cecilia Plaza Roa
soul whispers
flash guidance

Evolutive Insights for your Path
Soul Messages
1 Question - Skype Session 1h: 120 €/CHF
・Reading to one question about your life, (more info below)
・What I need: Your full name and date of birth.
Complete address and date of construction for House Guidance

soul guidance
Soul Messages to a question about your personal life, your couple, relations or your job. Situations, challenges or decision to take where you need to get insights & clarity.

House guidance
Your home has a Soul we can connect and talk to.
Reading to a question about the energy of your home or office.

" I have received all what I was looking for:
clarity, guidance and higher vision
I feel more trust in life.
I feel supported.
I know myself better.
You helped me understand what I'm living from a deeper & bigger perspective.
Thank you Cecilia"
Frequent Questions
What is Flash Guidance?
Flash Guidance are intuitive readings to your life questions revealing the higher vision and evolutive movement for your path.
During the zoom session I start creating a safe space with a meditation to ground and connect with your Soul.
You'll learn to listen and feel your Soul guidance.
The readings are a tool for healing & transformation. They work on a deeper and energetic level opening higher possibilities for your life.
The vibrational messages tune up, nourish & recharge your system. They awaken dormant talents.
Flash Guidance support and clarify your true purpose to embody it.
How I do the readings?
I tune in with your Soul Wisdom. This is like the ICloud or Akashic Subtlenet where the blueprint of your life is stored.
I get a felt response of the energetic constellations of your questions that I will share (images, feelings, shadow work, practices, insights). I can also use the support of oracle, rune and tarot cards to complete the reading.
What matters to me is that you have a somatic experience of your truth. I wish you connect and ignite your inner compass.
Your Soul knows how to navigate your life challenges and embody your precious gifts.
What are the benefits of Flash Guidance
✓ Inspiration & Vision for your life
✓ My guidance is clear, honest and supports your inner Wisdom.
✓ After a reading you feel more clear, grounded, empowered, joyful and connected.
✓ The readings tap into the vibration of your Soul to emerge in your consciousness. This energy will clarify, untie and touch the inner blocages that prevent your authentic expression.
✓ My intention is to mirror what you already know deep within. Your true self remembers and is ready to take decisions aligned with your core flow.
✓ You learn to connect with your Source Wifi and listen your inner GPS on a daily basis
✓ Give impulsion and trust to your dreams and projects
What are the best questions to ask?
Good & clear readings depends on good questions.
You don't need to have a clear question to book your Flash Guidance.
During the starting meditation I will guide you to connect with what's more important to receive clarification for.
If you are already know the issue or area of your life, take your time to go to the essence of your situation to connect with your deeper longing and needs.
The best questions help you understand your situation and cannot be respond with Yes/No.
Avoid questions asking about future possibilities or other's people life.

" Time slows down, a gate opens,
joy blows in, simplicity arrives
what is obvious is born.
Forgiveness takes place. Shadows, now visible, withdraw.
There is more place for light, for my light.
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